Ryan Klass is a scientist based out of Calabasas. He is also a Licensed Integrative Nutrition Health Coach (LINHC), an International Health Coaches (IAHC) and a scientific writer. After discovering how to reverse SIBO Methane/hydrogen using bacterial metabolites, Ryan’s career skyrocketed, and was put into contact with many of the top doctors and scientists around the world including Dr. Thomas Borody, multiple ACG award-winning Dr. Sabine Hazan, international best-selling author Dr. Christine B, Zymo Research Labs in Irvine, CA. He later went on to teach microbiology to people such as the world renowned lawyer of Elon Musk and Jay-Z’s, an Olympic medalist, the owners of Kefirlab, and many more. He is currently looking to publish multiple scientific journals for reversing chronic disease for the UCLA Research Center for Microbiome and Progenabiome labs with Dr. Sabine Hazan.  He is a part of their Kefirlab concierge team alongside the nutritionist for the San Francisco 49ers and is currently an article writer for them.

       Whether you're trying to optimize your health and well-being for better performance, create new goals for the future, or get away from food addictions, Ryan can help.  He has over 8 years of experience as a Health Coach and has helped people in the past with many types of chronic illnesses including SIBO, gastritis, GERD, GAD, MDD, Insomnia, IBS C/D, Nervous System Dysregulation, and more.  He attended the 1st International School for the Gut Microbiota and Digestive Disease in Italy. He also attended The Malibu Microbiome Meeting with doctors, scientist, government and academia around the world. Make an appt today to have Ryan Klass investigate the underlying root cause of your issues and use many science-backed methods to improve your well-being.

“Standard Western medicine messed me up badly and I ended up having to see more than 130 different doctors/practitioners.  But now I have become an amalgamation of all of them because I did a deep dive into each of them while there.  However, fixing the gut was by far the biggest game changer.  More than acupuncture, reflexology, biofeedback, etc. combined.  

I went to see a doctor in Ventura who does an initial consult then has the client download a text-based app where you can message anytime and has 5 professional medical practitioners walk you through your SIBO methane/hydrogen. I tried it, but it was insufficient because it wasn’t addressing the root cause.  However, it did lead me to finding a cure for it by using bacteria!  So wasn’t a total waste of time.  They got mad when I brought it up too that I completely fixed the problem with two specific bacteria strains and not their long term low fodmap diet plan which would of messed up my gut more.  I made a short Youtube video of my findings and within a month this I was put me into contact with some of the best scientists and doctors in the world including teaching microbiology to Elon Musk’s lawyer and working with the nutritionist for the NFL.  Now I am hoping to teach others what I learned.” - Ryan Klass

Ryan Klass, CEO